Freedoom of Choice

Freedom of Choice Countries like the United States where you have Democracy and capitalism, citizens have a choice to have freedom where they can conduct business. As citizens we need to exercise this more and will prove the point to a business if they start to lose customers. If you have had a bad experience don't ever conduct business there again, find another business in that area and are not being loyal to their customers, move on. There are to many business in this world to stay with only one. We need to stand up and fight back with real power. We have a choice to vote out people, where we live, send our kids to school to even what kind of phone we can buy. Countries that have are characteristics do very well. Need to start thinking about are choices because they effect our future. Definition of Freedom of Choice; is the right to exercise one's freedoms in any manner, one may choose except where such act may obstruct or prevent others from exercising their freedoms, put oneself or others in danger, or exceeds a statutory limit. Socialism as a whole will never work, but taking things from socialism and others would make for a good economy as a country. You will be able to prosper without having to worry about anybody coming down on you. Having an upper class, middle class and lower class is a good thing for the economy and don't let politics or government tell you otherwise. WE have a choice to make ourselves better and move up in the world. Having different classes keeps products lower and makes them raise at a slower pace. Freedom of choice makes this a great country to live in. Capitalism works without government interference.


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