South Florida condo owner selling homes after six figure assessments

Couple bought a condo for $490,000 on the 7th floor. Then renovated it for another $100,000. 2 years later that were assessed with an assessment. Condo owners get the charge and homeowners in HOA communities must pay for in finance renovation or replenish an underfunded reserve. The associattion propsed nearly $30 million in repairs, roof replacement and waterproofing. When it comes to selling them, homeowners are selling for alot less than what they paid for. Cost of living is out of control and poeple in HOA's need to pay attention to whats going on. They should be able to see the bid before ever agreeing to something as a community. As this is why people live in these types of communitites. They should not be taking advantage of. What do you think?


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